

Join the Alliance

For more information and to coordinate the onboarding process, please ping @cheff_quillai on telegram.

Our Values

1. Enhanced Privacy and Security

  • Data Control: Decentralized AI allows individuals and organizations to retain control over their data, reducing the risk of data breaches and misuse.
  • Encryption and Anonymity: Decentralized systems often use advanced encryption, enhancing data privacy and user anonymity.

2. Mitigation of Centralized Power

  • Democratization of Technology: Decentralizing AI prevents the concentration of power in a few large entities, ensuring that the benefits of AI are more broadly distributed.
  • Avoiding Monopoly: It helps prevent monopolistic control over AI technologies, promotes competitive innovation, and reduces the risk of abuse of power.

3. Resilience and Robustness

  • Fault Tolerance: Decentralized systems are more resilient to failures and attacks, as there is no single point of failure.
  • Continuous Operation: They are better at maintaining operation continuity in disruptions.

4. Transparency and Trust

  • Open Source Development: Decentralized AI encourages open-source contributions, enhancing transparency and fostering trust among users and developers.
  • Auditable Algorithms: The community can audit Algorithms and models, ensuring ethical standards and fairness.

5. Increased Innovation

  • Collaboration and Sharing: Decentralized platforms facilitate collaboration and sharing of resources and knowledge, accelerating innovation.
  • Diverse Contributions: It allows diverse contributors from around the world to participate, bringing in varied perspectives and expertise.

6. Economic Incentives

  • Tokenization and Rewards: Decentralized AI can use blockchain technology to create token-based economic models, incentivizing contributions and ensuring fair compensation.
  • Cost Efficiency: It can reduce costs by leveraging distributed resources and eliminating intermediaries.

7. Ethical AI Development

  • Community Governance: Decentralized AI systems often involve community governance, which can help prioritise ethical considerations.
  • Bias Reduction: Diverse, decentralized development teams are more likely to identify and mitigate biases in AI systems.

8. Global Accessibility

  • Inclusive Access: Decentralized AI makes cutting-edge technology accessible globally to underrepresented and underserved communities.
  • Localized Solutions: It supports the development of AI solutions tailored to local needs and contexts.


1. Selective Entry:

  • We curate engineers, projects, and researchers dedicated to the cause of DeAI and AGI. Anyone who promotes or tries to shill will be removed immediately.

Ethical Conduct

  • Members are prohibited from sharing research around AI technologies intended for surveillance, autonomous weaponry, or any application that infringes on human rights.

Transparency and Open Source

  • All research outputs, including code, data, and models, must be released under an open-source license (e.g., MIT, GPL).

Diversity and Inclusion

  • Members must implement measures to ensure diverse participation, including representation from various demographics, genders, ethnicities, and geographical locations.

Collaborative Participation

  • Members must actively participate in the Alliance's collaborative platform, sharing resources and knowledge.
  • Members are expected to contribute to annual conferences, workshops, and other knowledge-sharing events organized by the Alliance.

Educational Outreach

  • Members must contribute to developing educational programs and resources on DeAI and AGI.
  • Members are encouraged to engage in public seminars, webinars, and social media to educate the general public about DeAI and AGI.