


1. What is the DeAI Alliance?

Q: What is the mission of the DeAI Alliance? A: The DeAI Alliance promotes ethical, decentralized, and inclusive research and development in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

Q: Why was the DeAI Alliance founded? A: The Alliance was founded to ensure that AI technologies are developed to benefit all of society, prevent monopolistic control, and uphold human rights and ethical standards.

2. Membership

Q: Who can join the DeAI Alliance? A: Any individual or organization committed to the principles of decentralization, ethical AI, transparency, and inclusivity can apply to join the Alliance.

Q: What are the benefits of becoming a member? A: Members gain access to a collaborative platform, resources, and a network of like-minded researchers and developers. They can also participate in conferences, workshops, and post bounties.

3. Rules and Compliance

Q: What are the main rules for joining the DeAI Alliance? A: Members must adhere to ethical guidelines, commit to decentralization, ensure transparency and open source contributions, promote diversity and inclusion, maintain privacy and security standards, participate in collaborative efforts, engage in educational outreach, and ensure bounties are paid.

4. Transparency and Open Source

Q: Why is open source important to the DeAI Alliance? A: Open source fosters transparency, allows for community auditing, and promotes collaborative innovation. It ensures that AI technologies are accessible and can be continuously improved by a diverse set of contributors.

Q: How do members contribute to open source? A: Members are required to release their research outputs, including code, data, and models, under an open-source license and maintain public repositories or share their research on the discourse forum.

5. Decentralization

Q: What does it mean to commit to decentralization in AI? A: Committing to decentralization means developing AI systems using decentralized architectures, such as blockchain, to ensure no single entity controls the technology. This promotes fairness, security, and resilience.

Q: How does the Alliance ensure projects are decentralized? A: The Alliance conducts annual reviews to verify that members' projects adhere to decentralization principles and guidelines.

6. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing

Q: How does the Alliance facilitate collaboration? A: The Alliance provides a discourse forum and a closed telegram group for members to share resources, collaborate on projects, and participate in conferences and workshops.

Q: What opportunities for knowledge sharing are available? A: Members can publish research findings in open-access journals, contribute to online libraries, and engage in educational programs and public seminars.

7. Getting Involved

Q: How can I get involved with the DeAI Alliance? A: You can apply for membership, participate in our events, contribute to our open-source projects, and engage with us on social media and public forums.

Q: Where can I find more information? A: Visit our official website for more details on membership, events, and our initiatives, or contact us directly through our support email.